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“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.”

– Albert Szent-Györgyi

Investigating Adult Stem Cells Dynamics in the Infection Scenario

Adult stem cells (ASCs) play a critical role in maintaining tissues by repairing damage caused by injury or infection. However, during severe bacterial infections, tissue regeneration is significantly impaired. Recent findings indicate that ASCs have limited tolerance to infection-related stress. They may either undergo excessive proliferation and develop cancer, or they may exhaust by terminal differentiation. The failure to maintain healthy tissues is indeed the underlying cause of numerous life-threatening diseases. Therefore, enhancing the tolerance of ASCs to such burdens holds profound biomedical importance.


Our research program primarily focuses on investigating the following questions:

- How do bacterial pathogens impact the functionality of adult stem cells?
- What are the molecular mechanisms that govern the dynamics of ASCs during chronic infections?
- Is it possible to enhance the tolerance of mammalian ASCs to the stress caused by infections?


We use in vivo (Planarians, Mice) and in vitro (Cell lines) model systems along with various bacterial pathogens in our study. We employ a wide range of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics techniques, such as Cloning, RNAi, RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, Immunostaining, FISH etc. to address the questions mentioned above.


This research endeavour will expand our understanding of how ASCs react to infections and the resulting tissue damage. Ultimately, this knowledge can aid in the development of strategies aimed at enhancing the competence of both endogenous and transplanted ASCs for more effective regenerative therapies.

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